Helsingin yliopiston logopedian oppiaine, Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu (Humak) sekä Helsinki Brain and Mind järjestävät maanantaina 11.12.2023 klo 12.00-16.00 seminaarin ”From Jail to School – Identification and Support of Young Offenders with Speech, Language and Communication Needs”.

Tilaisuuden puhujina ovat:

  • Kim Turner, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Speech and Language Therapy, BSc Placements Lead; Department of Health Professions, Manchester Metropolitan University
    • Assessment and Support for Young People with Speech, Language and Communication Needs in the Criminal Justice System in the UK
  • Maria O’Mahoney, MSc, Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist; Feltham YOI, London
    • Practicalities of Supporting Communication Needs of Young People in a YOI (Young Offenders Institute)
  • Mika Rautanen, MD, Department Head from Psychiatric Hospital for Prisoners
    • How to Conduct a Multifaceted Prison Health Study and Key Findings of Wattu IV
  • Hanna Markkanen, MA, Speech and Language Therapist, Public Health Nurse, Solution-Focused Psychotherapy (Tmi Terapiapalvelut Hanna Markkanen, Helsinki)
    • Pilot Project Supporting Speech, Language and Communication Needs of Young Offenders in Two Prisons in Finland

Ohjelman ja lisätietoja tapahtumasta saatte alla olevasta linkistä:

”From Jail to School” – Identification and Support of Young Offenders with Speech, Language and Communication Needs – Helsinki Brain & Mind (helsinkibrainandmind.fi)
